How does communication shape our relationships, especially during times of transition and uncertainty?

Communication is the lifeblood of relationships, yet sometimes the most important conversations are the hardest to have. What happens to our relationships when the very ground we stand on—our sense of self, the comforting routines of our lives, the essential structures we relied upon—begins to shift? 

Dr. Audra Nuru, a distinguished scholar and expert of interpersonal communication, provides insights and tools to transform these challenges into opportunities for deeper understanding. She studies how we make sense of our experiences through dialogue, especially during times of transition and uncertainty. Her research offers a framework for understanding how communication shapes our relationships, our identities, and ultimately our well-being.

What does Dr. Audra Nuru research?



How do our conversations shape who we are, both as individuals and in our relationships?

Relational Struggle and Strength


How do we make sense of the changes that occur in our lives and relationships?

Periods of Transition and Contestation

Relational Liminality

How do we navigate the period between the “before” and the “after” of disruption?